The verdict day of Ayodhya, the 3 judge bench comprising Justice Dharamveer Sharma, Justice Sudhir Agarwal, and SU Khan of Allahabad High Court will penetrate the history book after delivering the verdict on Thursday. The verdict on Ayodhya Ramjanmbhoomi – Babri Masjid title suit will be prominent on 30th September at 3:30 PM.
The Delhi Police have deployed their men as well as paramilitary officials to responsive areas prior to the Ayodhya verdict. A police officer said on Wednesday “We’re sensitising people on the history of Hindu-Muslim civilisation and conducting peace meetings”.
There is already a large deployment at important areas throughout the city for CWG 2010. Police are also taking protection in areas in east and southeast Delhi, which have a history of communal tension. People are seeking for latest information of Ayodha from the foremost news channel like Aaj Tak, Star News, IBN7, NDTV News, IBN Lokmat, Live News, and Hindi.
According to the various sources PM, Sonia Gandhi appeal for peace and to hopes like “Wish Ayodhya verdict go smooth; Pray for peace” to serious observations. Superstar Shah Rukh Khan tweeted that “Allah, God, Bhagwan in either of the names we pray to, exists in man’s heart, not in man-made abodes for Him, and underscores this sentiment of peace.”
Along with political leaders, several Bollywood celebrities have united together to appeal people to maintain peace and harmony in its place of going persuaded by violent fundamentals or feelings if displeased with the judgment. The verdict of Ayodhya–Babri Masjid will be declared soon.
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